As marketing expert Zig Ziglar once said, "Nothing happens until there’s a sale." You can grow the best produce or raise the finest livestock, but if you can't sell them effectively, your farm won't succeed.

As a small farmer, earning a living on production alone is very difficult. The way to get a white-collar salary is to become the middleman (which includes processing, marketing, and distribution in addition to production).

Let's face it, most farmers are reluctant marketers. In this course, Joel Salatin, the man TIME Magazine called "the world's most innovative farmer," brings decades of experience in farming and marketing directly to you. You'll learn how to turn your passion into a sustainable livelihood, even if you're not a marketing expert.

Whether you're a part-timer or full-timer, Farm Direct Marketing with Joel Salatin is your roadmap to building a thriving farm business.

And as Joel shares in the course, you (the farmer) don't have to be the one doing the marketing. You may have a spouse, child, relative, friend, or team member with the right interests and skillset to excel in marketing.

Introducing the Farm Direct Marketing Course

Lunatic farmer Joel Salatin shares the insight he's gained through more than 60 years of farming. He'll show you how he and the team at Polyface Farms have built a thriving retail business and how you can do the same.

If you’ve ever dreamed about generating a full-time income farming, don't miss out on this opportunity. The lessons you'll learn from this course will set you up for success and help you avoid costly mistakes.

The Farm Direct Marketing course includes:

  • 23 video sessions
  • 6+ hours of video
  • Downloadable PDF transcripts for each video lesson
  • Homework PDFs for each lesson that guide you through the essential steps
  • Expert insight from an award-winning farmer

What You'll Learn In This Course:

  • The Four-Legged Stool of Farm Marketing: And why relying only on production can lead to financial instability.
  • Creating a Stable Income: Reduce vulnerability to unpredictable factors like weather, price, pestilence, and disease.
  • Becoming the Middleman: Keep more profits by owning the entire process, from farm to customer.
  • Stability through Diversification: By following the plan laid out in this course, you'll never be dependent on a single source of income.
  • Differentiation:  It's not just about having a unique product; it's about creating a distinctive identity that resonates with your target audience.
  • Branding & Messaging: Learn how to define your farm's unique identity and effectively communicate your value.
  • The True Value of Your Customers: How and why your customers are your greatest asset.
  • Collaborate with Other Producers: Form partnerships that increase profits by selling related products.
  • Pricing Strategies: Price your products confidently without undercharging or overcharging.
  • Samples: Use free samples the smart way to reach new customers and increase profits.
  • Gateway Products: How to use low-cost products as an entry point to reach customers and sell more.
  • Value Adding: Learn many simple, creative ways to make more money by meeting additional needs of your customers.
  • Bundling: How to sell more by simplifying customer decisions and enhancing the customer experience
  • Sales Venues: Explore different sales channels—from farmer's markets to e-commerce—and choose the ones that suit your farm best.
  • Customer Loyalty: Turn one-time buyers into repeat customers and increase profits.
  • Publicity and Events: Learn how to use farm tours and other events to reach new customers and connect with them in deeper ways.
Purchase Foundations of Farming & Homesteading, and you'll get access to ALL of our courses, including this one. (You'll also get access to all courses we release in the future, at no additional cost!)

About Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer.

Others who like him call him the most famous farmer in the world, the high priest of the pasture, and the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson. Those who don’t like him call him a bio-terrorist, Typhoid Mary, charlatan, and starvation advocate.

With a room full of debate trophies from high school and college days, 12 published books, and a thriving multi-generational family farm, he draws on a lifetime of food, farming and fantasy to entertain and inspire audiences around the world. He’s as comfortable moving cows in a pasture as addressing CEOs in a Wall Street business conference.

On his family farm in the Shenandoah Valley, Polyface Farms, Joel produces meat he describes as "beyond organic", which are raised using what the farm describes as environmentally responsible, ecologically beneficial, sustainable agriculture.

Joel has been featured in National Geographic, Smithsonian, Ominvore’s Dillemma, Food Inc. and many others.

"He's not going back to the old model. There's nothing in county extension or old-fashioned ag science that really informs him. He is just looking totally afresh at how to maximize production in an integrated system on a holistic farm. He's just totally innovative."

- Author Jo Robinson

What Others Are Saying

"In all my years of homesteading, I have never seen anything like Joel Salatin’s Farm Like a Lunatic series!

"From conferences, to YouTube videos, to magazine articles, there are many resources out there to learn various aspects of homesteading, but most fail to address the more serious and less-talked-about issues of homesteading. Yet Joel tackles these common issues in this series. He covers topics like: how to manage finances, interpersonal relationships, increasing farm profitability, how to design a landscape, and so much more.  

"I only wish that this series was available when I first started homesteading. Foundations in Farming and Homesteading can save you thousands of dollars, as well as can save you a countless amount of time and energy."

- Mike Dickson (The Fit Farmer)

Mike the Fit Farmer
John Chester

"Since we started Apricot Lane Farms a decade ago, Joel Salatin’s innovative and inspiring philosophy has deeply influenced the way we see our own farm. From soil building and grazing strategies to modeling how to sell your product, he’s a “nose to tail” farming system resource.

His new online course “Farm Like A Lunatic” is a treasure trove of practical knowledge for aspiring farmers. He’s especially good for those interested in understanding unique methods of farming that regenerate both the land of the farm and the spirit of the farmer.

I wish a course like this existed when we started Apricot Lane Farms. Anyone who has a fantasy to farm but isn’t quite sure which steps to take to make it to reality should consider this course."

- John Chester, creator of The Biggest Little Farm

This course is closed for enrollment.